Here are the guildelines for the upcoming sukkah project:
It should be a Kosher sukkah (if it were life size). The students learned about the laws of building a kosher sukkah today. There are 5 areas:
- size of sukkah (to scale)
- materials
- amount of walls
- amount of schach
- location
Students will be graded on the Kosher guildelines and creativity.
This project is due Tuesday, September 28th.
This project should be worked on at home.
This week I will lessen the homework load this week almost nothing to give the students more time to work on their projects.
(If I see it is necessary I might designate some class time for working on the projects, based on how the project is coming along.)
The students will bring home a copy of the guidelines. Please sign at the bottom of the sheet.
Please contact me for any questions, comments, concerns, or requests
14 years ago