Welcome to the Middle School Language Arts blog!
Now that the dust has settled from the start of the year, please check here regularly for information and updates regarding class assignments, policies, and news!
In 5th-8th grade, we have established a daily routine that includes reading, writing and practice in written conventions of language. Standard homework each week includes Wordly Wise/vocabulary practice and reading of both assigned and free-choice books.
Homework assignments are checked as part of a completion grade for each week. Daily classwork and quizzes are valued as "single grades" and tests and projects are valued as "double grades" when averaged. A separate grade is determined for conduct (behavior).
Students have received instructions as to how they should organize and keep the Language Arts section of their binder. A paper regarding this has gone home to be signed and returned by Tuesday, September 14.
Copies of this organizational information, and of the course information given to all MS Language Arts families at "Back to School Night" are available from Miss Planto via e-mail.
14 years ago