Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fifth Grade Art

Fifth Grade reviewed how artists have painted portraits throughout art history, then learned about classical proportions while drawing their own self portraits. Currently the students are learning about the sculptures and mobiles of Alexander Calder, the 20th century American artists as they build their own mobiles or stabiles (sculptures).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Science - Invention Convention Projects

In science class students have been participating in critical thinking and problem solving activities as we begin the invention convention process. They have each been given a schedule of due dates for each part of their project. Look for the schedule behind their "Invention Convention" tab in their binder. The due dates are as follows:
October 15 - Invention Proposal Form (This will require a parent signature.)
November 11 - Invention Final Report
November 16 - Display Board
November 18 - Eleanor Kolitz Academy Invention Convention & Science Fair

Although we will spend a little time talking about past inventors and inventions during this unit, our primary focus in those discussions will be on identifying what problem the invention solved or what benefit the new object or design provided.

Class time will be spent reviewing the requirements for each part of the project prior to the due dates. It will be exciting to see what problems our inventors will solve!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Orthodox Track Judaics- Sukkah Project!

Here are the guildelines for the upcoming sukkah project:

It should be a Kosher sukkah (if it were life size). The students learned about the laws of building a kosher sukkah today. There are 5 areas:
- size of sukkah (to scale)
- materials
- amount of walls
- amount of schach
- location

Students will be graded on the Kosher guildelines and creativity.

This project is due Tuesday, September 28th.

This project should be worked on at home.
This week I will lessen the homework load this week almost nothing to give the students more time to work on their projects.
(If I see it is necessary I might designate some class time for working on the projects, based on how the project is coming along.)

The students will bring home a copy of the guidelines. Please sign at the bottom of the sheet.

Please contact me for any questions, comments, concerns, or requests

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mrs. Markson's Tech Lab - 5A

Students in 5A completed a work file about changing paper orientation (portrait to landscape, changing margins, and formatting text and alignment of text in a document. We printed to a pdf (portable document file that can be read with the free Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader) and saved to flash drives (usb drives). For homework, students should show their file to a parent and get a signature in their agenda.

Knowing how to format a document properly is important for creating documents for other classes.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Science - Scientific Method Test

A test covering the scientific method will be given on Tuesday, September 21st. All students should have their test outline in their binders behind their Vocabulary/Notes tab. They will be participating in a unit review during class on Monday prior to the test.

5th grade math with Mr. O

Hello- The kids seem to be using the k12 math program well. They are getting organized in their work, and seem excited about learning math. The first unit of the book has been working with word problems and various ways of estimating with all the operations. The unit finishes out with exponents and prime factorization.

Along with the math program, I am going to start giving mad minute quizes every day starting Monday, September 20th. We will start with addition and subtraction facts, 30 problems in a minute!! Please dust off the flash cards and help them get prepared. We will start with multiplication October 3rd!!

There will also be vocabulary the kids will need to be responsible for. Each unit has specific words they should know. They will get a typed sheet from me that they will fill in and be quized on periodically. I think this will help them with their overall math abilities.

Mrs. Markson's Technology Lab- 5B

Students in 5B completed a work file about changing paper orientation (portrait to landscape) and formatting text and alignment of text in a document. We printed  to a pdf (portable document file that can be read with the free Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader) and saved to flash drives (usb drives). For homework, students should show their file to a parent and get a signature in their agenda. This is to make sure everyone can use the flash drive which will be helpful in all subjects when they are working on a computer project. The flash drive is a convenient way to get work to an from school and home.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Reading and Vocabulary Assignments

For parents' information:

Students received a syllabus outlining their reading and vocabulary assignments for their first assigned novel. They have also received a vocabulary list for the first few chapters of the book. Please ask your student to show you this information.

We will continue with regular Wordly Wise quizzes, but there will be words mixed in from the Reading Vocabulary. Students will know ahead of time which words to focus on.

Fifth Grade Art

The student fundraiser is right around corner, so fifth grade is busily creating collages for this annual event. You should see their art coming home soon!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book Reports

Students are expected to select books to read independently, and will complete at least one independent book report each quarter. Information on the requirements for the first quarter book report should be in your child’s Language Arts binder. This quarter, the books are “free choice,” meaning any type of book is acceptable, so long as it is age- and grade-level appropriate. All book reports include a written assignment and a creative component, similar to what was done for Summer Homework.

The due date for first quarter book reports is Monday, October 25th.

** Stay tuned: Information on the first assigned novels, including long-term reading and vocabulary assignments will be posted shortly!**

English Language Arts - Welcome!

Welcome to the Middle School Language Arts blog!

Now that the dust has settled from the start of the year, please check here regularly for information and updates regarding class assignments, policies, and news!

In 5th-8th grade, we have established a daily routine that includes reading, writing and practice in written conventions of language. Standard homework each week includes Wordly Wise/vocabulary practice and reading of both assigned and free-choice books.

Homework assignments are checked as part of a completion grade for each week. Daily classwork and quizzes are valued as "single grades" and tests and projects are valued as "double grades" when averaged. A separate grade is determined for conduct (behavior).

Students have received instructions as to how they should organize and keep the Language Arts section of their binder. A paper regarding this has gone home to be signed and returned by Tuesday, September 14.

Copies of this organizational information, and of the course information given to all MS Language Arts families at "Back to School Night" are available from Miss Planto via e-mail.

Fifth Grade Art

Fifth grade students studied portraits which the famous 20th century artist, Pablo Picasso, had created as drawings and prints. They then selected one of the portraits which had been cut in half, and drew the other half. Each student successfully rose to the challenge!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

For the next few weeks, we will continue developing 4 different dance steps in our Samba-style dance. Our goal is to be able to sing and dance at the same time. Right now, we are still at the "learn the dance step" stage. Much improvement this week. Ask your children to show you some of the steps that we are learning.
We are also reviewing music theory including notes on the staff and musical notation. Their homework this week is to be able to play "Hot Cross Buns" on the recorder with a steady beat and pleasant tone. They can also practice ahead in their recorder book.

Science Updated 9/2/10

The fifth grade science students are wrapping up their safety procedures and metric measurement unit. They will be taking their first test next Wednesday, September 8th. Prior to each test, they will be given an outline that will list the concepts they need to review. Class reviews will take place during class time the day before each test. For this first test however, we will begin the review two days before the test (Friday, Sept. 3) to allow time to go over the outline and to help them find/mark the key information they need to review. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

They have been doing a great job using the laboratory equipment!