Friday, August 27, 2010


Welcome to Middle School Science!

The first week of school has passed and classroom procedures, safety rules and basic laboratory policies have been reviewed. The students are now diligently working on learning the basics of the metric (SI) system of measurement and they will be using various laboratory tools to aid them as they continue their study. This nine weeks the focus will be on:
* Measurement and Lab Tools
* The Scientific Method
* Invention Convention
* Matter, Elements, and Compounds

Each day they are writing their homework assignments in their agenda on the day they are due. Look for my "green" initials in their agenda by their homework.

The students are doing a great job bringing their science textbook, science workbook, binder and agenda to class. They have set up three tabs for science in their binders. Look for their vocabulary/notes, labs/assignments and invention convention information in each section of their binder. (Invention Convention information hasn't been given out yet so nothing will be in that section as of now.)

It will be a great year in Science!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

Welcome to a new year. Middle school students are buzzing about the addition of the musical revue (April 7, 2011) which is new to our curriculum. The revue is a collection of songs woven together with dialogue. All middle school students will learn the songs and choreography. Students will be able to audition for spoken parts and possibly solos. We will probably need a few "techies" in the crew as well. The set will be designed and created by Miss Bella and students in art classes. I will try to keep our rehearsals limited to class/school time. Special parts will probably need after school rehearsal, and possibly a couple of dress rehearsals in the evening to put it all together. In preparation for the choreography, we will be learning dance steps throughout the year. I am extremely excited about our performance!

Fifth Grade Recorder. This year we will be expanding our music reading skills using "Recorder Karate" which lets a child self pace for those who can advance more quickly. Children earn "karate belts" as they learn new notes and rhythms which become progressively more challenging. Students need to bring their recorders and recorder folders to music each week. If you have not purchased a recorder, they are available at most music stores such as Sam Ash or High School Music. The folder (brads and pockets) will contain their music. They will have "homework" or practice most weeks which will be posted in their agenda books. This week they should be practicing (reviewing) the notes B-A-G keeping a steady beat.

I am excited about another great year in music. Patty Riggle Bonner-music

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fifth Grade Art

Fifth grade is expanding their vocabulary of line and pattern by drawing Pattern Pictures of people or palm trees. We reviewed the use of line and pattern by artists such as Jackson Pollock, Jacob Lawrence and David Hockney to create movement and rhythm. Students are creating mixed media drawings by combining black marker lines with colored pencil.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Parsha- Orthodox Track

This year we have a very exciting Parshah system.
Every student started a Parshah notebook today. In it is a D'var Torah which we learned about in class. For homework you child should share his/her D'var Torah with the family over Shabbat, and get it signed by a parent after Shabbat.
We will also be having a raffle at every "chazak"- completion of one of the books of the Torah. Students are entered into the raffle when they have a signature on time, and when receiving an 80% or above on Parshah worksheets and quizzes which will generally take place on Monday.

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Rikal

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Orthodox Track School Supplies

Here is a list of school supplies the students should bring for tomorrow, latest by Monday, August 23rd:

- nylon book cover for Chumash
- strong plastic folder with brads
- notebook
- 1 package of lined paper
- 1 package index cards
- 1 package index card box
- 1 2" binder (with or without a zipper)
- pencil bag (preferably with holes to insert into a binder)

Inside the pencil bag should be:
- 5-6 pencils
- 4-5 pens
- 1-2 red pens
- 1 yellow highlighter
- 1 big eraser
- reinforcement stickers

Inside a moveable supplies box to go in their lockers should be:
- markers
- colored pencils
- glue stick
- scissors

All extra supplies should be kept and saved future use and replenishment.

Looking forward to a great year!
Morah Rikal