Welcome to Middle School Science!
The first week of school has passed and classroom procedures, safety rules and basic laboratory policies have been reviewed. The students are now diligently working on learning the basics of the metric (SI) system of measurement and they will be using various laboratory tools to aid them as they continue their study. This nine weeks the focus will be on:
* Measurement and Lab Tools
* The Scientific Method
* Invention Convention
* Matter, Elements, and Compounds
Each day they are writing their homework assignments in their agenda on the day they are due. Look for my "green" initials in their agenda by their homework.
The students are doing a great job bringing their science textbook, science workbook, binder and agenda to class. They have set up three tabs for science in their binders. Look for their vocabulary/notes, labs/assignments and invention convention information in each section of their binder. (Invention Convention information hasn't been given out yet so nothing will be in that section as of now.)
It will be a great year in Science!
14 years ago